About Us
The BH Curve of a magnetic material is the property that governs the conversion from Electromagnetic Flux to Mechanical Force and vice versa. The curve is at the core of everything electromechanical – and that perfectly encapsulates our vision. We are a startup based in Chennai, India and are in operation since February 2021.
BH Flux Force consistently develops new electrical and electromechanical products for commercial and defence applications. We have a wide range of transformers and inductors, praised for their high endurance in Automation, Industrial, Electronics, Medical Equipment and Welding Equipment sectors. Our field-tested analog ammeters and voltmeters can withstand more than 100g-forces.
Thanks to Startup India’s Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS), we are now a proud incubatee of Vel Tech Technology and Business Incubator (TBI). Our product development has been boosted by a generous investment from SISFS and Vel Tech TBI. BH Flux Force looks forward to innovate, develop, and qualify more products in the days to come.
We thank you for your support and custom in these exciting times.
Our Esteemed Customers
![Coustomer-Logo-Images (1) Customer-Logo](https://bhfluxforce.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Coustomer-Logo-Images-1.jpg)